Dalias Blake
Dalias Blake - Actor
MusicClick for Launch Code Productions
"Everyone has the right to be upset,,,No one has the right to be mean"

- Dalias -

"Embrace each moment of your time and place in space. You matter!"

- Dalias -

"You are exactly where you are supposed to be doing exactly what you are supposed to be doing at the exact time you are supposed to be doing it."

- Dalias -

"A person without faith Is a soul that cannot grow
A person without hope Is a mind that cannot cope
A person who schemes Before they think
See’s life Through thick black ink"

- Jason Douglas -

“If you are capable of presenting a problem; You are also capable of presenting a solution”

- Dalias -

"The faster we move forward from any given event,,,The sooner acceptance can begin"

- Dalias -

"Leave room in life for it to surprise you,,,Whether you like it or not; It will"

- Dalias -

“We all will eventually die; Make sure you live before that happens”

- Dalias -

"Who and where you are today; is the result of your yesterdays choices and decisions”

- Dalias -

"Plan the work; Work the plan"

- Dalias -

“Strive to become; solution based and results driven”

- Dalias -

“Under promise; Over deliver”

- Dalias -

“EVERYTHING in life requires an investment of time, effort and energy,,,where, how and with whom are you investing yours?!”

- Dalias -

“Acting,,,Is the illusion of solving real problems in an imaginary setting”

- Dalias -

“The most consistent thing about a career as an actor or musical artist is,,, The Inconsistency”

- Dalias -

“If you don’t do the right thing,,,that’s one less right thing that could have been done”

- Dalias -

"Stay Positive,,,It's The Only Option"

- Dalias -